The following are links for mushroom identification, books, and resources for learning more about fungi and how we can incorporate them into our lives to make the world a better place.

Mushroom Observer: Post pictures of all parts of a mushroom (spore print may be required) and get a decent identification usually within a few hours. Also, cruise around to get an eye for the names of different mushrooms and what mushrooms might be fruiting in your area.

North American Mycological Society: NAMA's website. NAMA puts on fungal forays throughout the country, and has a number of excellent free teaching resources. Spend a while checking them out. Also, look for local fungi clubs and organizations. One of the best ways to learn about fungi is from another human being.

Radical Mycology: An amazing online resource and book for all things mycology. This book is highly recommended.

Fungi Ally: A great resource for mushroom cultivation in Northeastern US.

Mushroom Mountain: Tradd Cotter and Olga Katic's company out of South Carolina. Tradd wrote Organic Mushroom Farming and Mycoremediation and their company is a great source for many things fungal.