This meadow was previously lawn that was dangerous to mow due to its slope and would dry out in the summer. Now, it doesn’t need to be mowed, and attracts pollinators throughout the season.
Goldenrod and other members of the Aster family tend to bloom in late summer and fall, providing some of the last food for pollinators before the winter. Goldenrod is also a valuable medicinal, dye plant, and tea.
Flowers accommodate different pollinators based on their shapes and nectar production time. Bumble bees, hummingbirds, and hummingbird (Hemaris spp.) moths love long, tubular flowers. Diversity of shape and host plants encourage a diversity of pollinator insects in your garden.
Pycnanthemum spp. attract a wide range of pollinators. Pycnanthemums develop a notable hum due to the number of pollinators visiting them during peak bloom. The acoustics of a pollinator garden are something to behold.
Various species of Prunus (plums, cherries, peaches, nectarines, apricots, and almonds) flower early in the season, and produce copious fruits good for humans and wildlife alike. They are also host plants to a wide range of insect larvae.
This lawn was shaded and wet. Once the sod was removed, it was planted with seed from plants that will be deer resistant and do well in wet, shady conditions. This added diversity will add color and pollinator diversity throughout the seasons.
This cemetery had removed a large area of invasive species. A combination of native plants of various heights, bloom times, and flower shapes will provide grace and serenity for those visiting their loved ones, and excellent habitat for the native species that call this cemetery home. This picture was taken immediately post-installation, and these plugs will fill out the full garden come growing season.
Long term management is an important element of design. Avoiding the use of fungicides, leaving old plant material, and incorporating a diversity of plants in the landscape can encourage fungi to flourish. The underside of this Bolete stained blue, making it perfect for leaving messages.
Mapping out site characteristics to determine a planting plan that fits the existing landscape is an essential step in the design process.
Soil type helps determine what plants to place in a landscape. The more you know about a site, the less modification needs to be done. Our motto is to take the path of least resistance and fit the plant to the site, and only fit the site to the plant when absolutely necessary.
We are always collecting seeds from good stock for our plants, and sometimes have to improvise! These American Persimmons were found in Ithaca, NY, and made a delicious fall snack in the process of harvesting their seeds.
Chestnuts can be a great perennial crop. This is a collection of Chestnuts of all sorts (including American) from the CT Agricultural Research Station for propagation in 2020.
Installation is best done as a team. Here, family and friends install a Tulsi bed at Suntrap Farm.